0 Sorry, Marathon requires a 68040 processor or higher.
1 Sorry, Marathon requires Color QuickDraw.
2 Sorry, Marathon requires System Software 7.0 or higher.
3 Sorry, Marathon requires at least 3000k of free RAM.
4 Sorry, Marathon requires a 13 inch monitor (640x480) or larger which can be set to at least 256 colors or grays.
5 Please be sure the files 'Map', 'Shapes', 'Images' and 'Sounds' are in the same folder as the 'Marathon' application and try again.
6 Marathon couldn't allocate enough sound channels to play sound because there isn't enough free system memory available (try giving Marathon less memory).
7 Marathon has encountered a file system error. Check to make sure you have enough disk space and that you are not trying to save to a locked volume.
8 This copy of Marathon has been modified, perhaps by a virus. Please re-install it from the original disks.
9 This beta copy of Marathon has expired and is no longer functional. Call Bungie at (312) 563-6200 ext. 21 for more information.
10 Sorry, that key is already used to adjust the sound volume.
11 Sorry, that key is already used for zooming in the overhead map view.
12 Sorry, that key is already used for scrolling the inventory.
13 Sorry, that key is already used for a special game function.
14 Marathon has used up all available RAM and cannot continue. Trying giving it more memory, switching to a lower bit-depth or turning off sounds and try again.
15 Marathon is about to load an external physics model. This could result in erratic performance, inexplicable crashes, corrupted saved games, and inconsistent network games (just a warning).
16 Marathon is using maps which were not created and by Bungie. This could result in poor performance, inexplicable crashes and corrupted saved games (proceed at your own risk).
17 A game related error occurred while attempting to read from your map or saved game file.
18 A system error occurred while attempting to read from your map or saved game file.
19 An error occurred while saving your game (maybe your hard drive is full, or you tried to save to a locked volume?)
20 That serial number is invalid. Please try again.
21 Sorry, you can't start a network game with more than one copy of the same serial number. Call 1-800-295-0060 to order more network serial numbers by fax.
22 Sorry, this copy of Marathon has been serialized with a network-only serial number. You cannot play the single-player game with a network-only serial number.
23 The map you are trying to load has been corrupted. Please reinstall from a backup copy.
24 Checkpoint %d was not found!
25 Picture %d was not found!
26 This preview copy of Marathon does not support networking. A full demo will be available on-line or from Bungie shortly which includes networking (and a whole lot of other cool features).
27 The gathering computer has quit the game, leaving everyone stranded without the next level. Perhaps you should tar and feather him.
28 Sorry, Marathon was unable to gracefully exit from the network game. As a result, your romp through the levels has been prematurely halted.
29 The scenario file that this saved game was from cannot be found. When you switch levels you will revert to the default map.
30 Marathon was unable to find the map that this film was recorded on, so the film cannot be replayed.
31 Sorry, Marathon needs 6000k free to play in a networked game. Give Marathon more memory and try again.
32 Sorry, that key is already used for going to a weapon.
33 Marathon is unable to find the DirectSound driver for your hardware. Contact your vendor or Microsoft for an updated driver.
140 Shapes
141 Shapes.16
142 Sounds
143 Sounds.16
144 Marathon 2 Preferences
145 Map
146 Untitled Game
147 Marathon
148 Marathon 2 Recording
149 Standard
150 Music
151 Images
152 Movie
292 QUIT
420 Save game as:
421 Save recording as:
422 Select recording as:
423 Default
560 Sorry, that player could not be found on the network. He may have cancelled his Join Game dialog.
561 One or more of the players in the game could not be found to receive the map. The game has been cancelled.
562 Marathon could not register on your network and therefore cannot join a game.
563 Sorry, the gathering computer has cancelled the game (you should all gang up on him next game).
564 One or more of the players in the game could not be found on the network and the game has been cancelled.
565 The gathering computer never sent the map, so the game has been cancelled. Maybe one of the other machines in the game went down.
566 Marathon was unable to start the game. Maybe one of the other machines in the game went down.
567 An error ocurred while trying to join a game (an incompatible version of Marathon may have tried to gather you). Try again.
568 Sorry, a network error ocurred and Marathon is unable to continue.
569 That player could not be added to the game because your versions of Marathon are incompatible.
840 Be sure your external speakers or headphones are connected properly, and that you have enabled stereo output from the Sound Control Panel.
841 Be sure that your Cybermaxx helmet is properly hooked up to the serial port and turned on.
842 Please check to be sure you have the file 'QuickTime Musical Instruments' in your 'Extensions' folder, because Marathon's background music will sound really, really stupid without it.
980 U.E.S.C. Marathon
981 Opening Connection to B.4.5-23
982 CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems Inc.
983 <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
984 UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override)
985 PgUp/PgDown/Arrows To Scroll
986 Return/Enter To Acknowledge
987 Disconnecting...
988 Connection Terminated.
989 %H%M %m.%d.%Y
1120 Click 'Join' to wait for an invitation into a network game of Marathon.
1121 Now waiting to be gathered into a network game by a server. Click 'Cancel' to give up.
1122 You have been accepted into a game. Now waiting for the server to add the remaining players...
1260 FISTS
1266 UNKNOWN WEAPON CLASS system error 0xfded
1540 Graphics
1541 Player
1542 Sound
1543 Controls
1544 Environment
1680 %d flags
1681 %d:%02d
1682 %d points
1683 Team
1684 Time With Ball
1685 Flags Captured
1686 Time 'It'
1687 Goals
1688 Time On Hill
1820 Kill Limit
1821 kills
1822 Capture Limit
1823 flags
1824 Point Limit
1825 points
1960 You have been accepted into a game of '%s'. Now waiting for the server to add the remaining players...
1961 Every Man For Himself
1962 You have been accepted into a cooperative game. Now waiting for the server to add the remaining players...
1963 Capture the Flag
1964 King of the Hill
1965 Kill the Man With the Ball
1966 Keep Away From Rob
1967 Rugby
1968 Tag
2100 Sending map to remote player.
2101 Sending map to remote players.
2102 Receiving map from server.
2103 Waiting for server to send map.
2104 Sending environment information to the other player.
2105 Sending environment information to the other players.
2106 Receiving environment information from server.
2380 The key '%s' is already in use. Please choose another.